Good Morning Angels: A community of angels to help relieve little Ethan’s pain
Updated | By Breakfast with Martin Bester
There are very special Angels around that help those who they’ve never even met. Today is one of those mornings.

BACKGROUND: One of these Angels is Noelene van Blerk, a teacher from Vanderbijlpark. Noelene heard a boy crying on a video that one of her colleagues at school were watching. She watched the video and the little boy’s pain and anguish broke her heart - so she decided there and then to help.
The little boy in the video was two-year-old Ethan Erlank, who was born in the Sebokeng State Hospital with a club foot. His mother, Marinda, says when Ethan started walking, the hospital treated his foot with a soft cast and splint. He is able to walk, but the treatment did not straighten his foot at all, which makes walking very painful. He was later treated with a hard cast, which was replaced every four weeks, but he developed a rash underneath the cast, which turned into an infection, which prevented further cast treatment that wasn’t very successful anyway. When COVID-19 lockdown hit, Ethan could not go back to the hospital for months - and that’s when Noelene saw the video.
She arranged for Ethan to go to a private doctor for the first time. The doctor can assist with his deformed little foot and to relieve his pain, but despite special rates and plans, the operation would cost R30,000, which Marinda and her husband cannot afford - especially now that her husband has had to take a salary cut.
Noelene set up a fund for Ethan with a lawyer and they’ve managed to raise R7,000. Every day that goes by, Ethan is in pain and the hospital costs increase, so that’s why Noelene’s friends and colleagues turned to Good Morning Angels for assistance.
REQUEST FOR: Two-year-old Ethan Erlank
REQUEST FROM: Noelene van Blerk
ANGEL: LottoStar … with love
SPONSORING: LottoStar is joining forces with Good Morning Angels with a special "With Love” fund to give added assistance to as many people as possible during this challenging 2020 pandemic. From this fund, LottoStar will help little Ethan to get his urgent operation by donating R25,000 towards his operation and medical needs.
Goeie dag Martin en die Good Morning Angels span.
Hoop dit gaan goed.
Ek wil vandag 'n groot guns vra, eintlik smeek ek julle vir hulp, wat ek nog nooit gedoen het nie.
My seun se Juffrou, Juff Noelene van Brakel het 'n klein seuntjie, Ethan en sy mamma onder haar vlerkies geneem. Sy wil so bitter graag die seuntjie van 2 jaar help, wat so baie seer het, en eina-huil elke liewe dag. Die gesin het bitter min. Juffrou Noelene het gegaan en uit haar eie sak betaal vir ’n konsultasie by Dr Aucamp en die seuntjie op en af gery. Die span Dokters het saam gestaan en hulle kostes gesny, om die seuntjie te help, maar hulle moet vir teater en loopraam ens betaal. Hulle het 'n brief en alle kostes bymekaar gesit, en juffrou het n prokureur, Riaan Du Plessis, gekry om haar te help om die fondsinsameling vir die klein mensie te behartig.
Hierdie Juffrou met die groot hart, maar kan dit nie alleen doen nie. Sy het ons gemeenskap se hulp nodig. Alles kos R30 000 vir klein Ethan se operasie (sien asb al die dokumentasie) Ons kon al R7000 insamel en hy benodig die operasie so gou as moontlik, om sy pyn te verlig en hom te help loop.
Alisha Maritz
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