Good Morning Angels: Brand new wheels for little "Bumble Bee"
Updated | By Breakfast with Martin Bester
Little "Bumble Bee" had a touch-and-go start to life. As a newborn, she contracted meningitis in hospital, had a stroke from the medication, which left her with cerebral palsy.

BACKGROUND: Nine-year-old Ntando “Bumble Bee” Mdlalose from Randfontein, comes from a line of strong, hardworking, and independent women who love and support her.
She had a touch-and-go start to life. As a newborn, she contracted meningitis in hospital, had a stroke from the medication, which left her with cerebral palsy. Her mom, Ncebi was in matric when she gave birth and despite her baby’s challenges, went back to school, matriculated with university exemption and studied education through UNISA.
Through all of this, Ncebi’s mom, Lizzy, was there for her daughter and granddaughter. Ntando is in a school for children with special needs, which closed when the pandemic hit and Ncebi had to resign from her job to look after Ntando at home. Again, Lizzy made sure that they were taken care of - along with her husband, other daughter, and her two children.
Lizzy’s work colleague and friend, Emmie, reached out to Good Morning Angels to assist this family and specifically little “Bumble Bee” with a new wheelchair that can support her growing body, as the family simply does not have the funds to replace her current small and worn wheelchair.
REQUEST FOR: Nine-year-old Ntando "Bumble Bee" Mdlalose
REQUEST FROM: Emmie Prinsloo
ANGEL 1: Greg de Freitas and the Ecomed team
SPONSORING: Ecomed has sourced the perfect wheelchair/buggy to suit Bumble Bee’s needs - and surprised her with her new wheels in the Jacaranda FM studio.
ANGEL 2: The Good Morning Angel Fund NPC
SPONSORING: The Good Morning Angels Fund will assist Ntando Mdalose's family with R10,000 cash to help with some necessities for her special needs.
Môre Martin Bester en engele,
Vandag wil ek graag die volgende saak onder jul aandag bring. Ek het nege jaar gelede ook ‘n briefie geskryf met die geboorte van Ntando Masego Mdlalose, “Bumble Bee”, soos almal haar noem. “Bumble Bee” se ouma Elizabeth Mdlalose (Lizzy) werk saam met my en sy sorg vir “Bumble Bee”, maar dit is nie maklik nie, haar storie is soos volg:
“Bumble Bee” se mamma was in matriek en het nie besef sy is swanger nie, tot die geboortepyne begin en sy hospitaal toe moes gaan. Ons het almal geraap en skraap om vir “Bumble Bee” klere en kombersies te koop, min wetend wat alles op die nuweling gaan wag.
“Bumble Bee” is op 7 Mei 2012 gebore, maar dinge het lelik skeef geloop in die hospitaal. Sy het breinvliesontstekening opgedoen, daarna het hulle vir haar foutiewe medisyne gegee, wat ‘n “stroke” tot gevolg gehad het, en die cerebral palsy veroorsaak het. Sy was maande in die hospitaal wat hulle gedink het sy gaan dit nie maak nie, maar sy is ‘n klein vegtertjie.
Ntando, oftewel “Bumble Bee” se rystoel is nou voos en Lizzy probeer ‘n gepaste stoel kry vir die pragtige kleinkind van haar. Na haar geboorte, het haar mamma teruggegaan skooltoe en steeds haar matriek geslaag met toelating. Sy het haar onderwys studies met korrenspondensie deur UNISA gedoen, terwyl sy as student-onderwyser by ‘n laerskool gewerk het. Al die geldjies wat hulle het, gaan vir Ntando se spesiale skool. Met COVID-19 kon Ntando nie skooltoe gaan nie en moes haar mamma, Ncebi haar werk opgee om self na haar te kyk by die huis, daarom het hulle nie nou die fondse om vir Ntando ‘n nuwe rystoel vir cerebral palsy kinders te kan koop nie. Sy moet nou ook ‘n groter stoel kry, maar so ‘n stoel wissel van R5,000 tot R24,000. Omdat Ntando se nekkie en lyfie slap is, sal die gewone standaard stoel van R5,000 nie werk nie en die naaste stoel vir cerebral palsy kos ongeveer R14,000, want hy moet die nekkie stut en kante hê.
Die stoel waarin Ntando sit, het geen kussings meer op die sitplek nie, ook nie die kante nie. As ‘n mens moet dink sy moet heeldag in so ‘n stoel deurbring, is dit hartverskeurend. Lizzy sê hulle pak maar kombersies en kussings onder haar boudjies en langs haar lyfie, om dit sagter te maak, maar dit lyk nie “presentable” as hulle haar uitvat nie.
Martin en span, sal julle asseblief kyk of julle vir Lizzy kan help om “Bumble Bee” se lewe ‘n bietjie gemakliker te kan maak?
Baie dankie vir die goeie werk wat julle doen, julle is voorwaar engele!
Emmie Prinsloo
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