Good Morning Angels: Brand new appliances for elderly couple
Updated | By Breakfast with Martin Bester
LottoStar is joining forces with Good Morning Angels to give added assistance to as many people as possible during this challenging COVID-19 pandemic through a special "With Love” fund.

BACKGROUND: Bessie, 77, and 81-year-old George Hattingh are residents at the Huis Vergenoeg retirement village in Pretoria. They enjoy their independence in their little home and still drive themselves to the shops and doctors when they need to. They have recently had some bad luck with some of their old major appliances. Their fridge and stove are both beyond repair and Bessie says it’s becoming increasingly difficult for her to do the laundry with her double-barrel washing machine, as she has to lift the wet washing from the washing side to the spinning side. She’s never had an automatic washing machine. They confided in one of the administrators at the retirement village that they are considering selling their 30-year-old car to buy a new stove and fridge, but then they would be stranded when they need to get around and the car isn’t worth much. The administrator wrote to Good Morning Angels on behalf of this proud, independent, elderly couple as they have no one else they can turn to for assistance.
REQUEST FOR: Bessie and George Hattingh
REQUEST FROM: Elmarie Strydom
ANGEL: LottoStar … with love
SPONSORING: LottoStar is joining forces with Good Morning Angels with a special "With Love” fund to give added assistance to as many people as possible during this challenging 2020 pandemic. From this fund, LottoStar will assist Bessie and George with R15,000 for a new stove, fridge, and automatic washing machine.
REQUEST FROM: Elmarie Strydom
Goeie môre,
Graag wil ek julle vertel van ‘n paartjie wat dringend hulp nodig het. Hulle is baie privaat en trotse mense en het my in hul vertroue geneem om hulle situasie te verduidelik.
George en Bessie Hattingh is al vir 16 jaar inwoners hier in die selfsorg huise by Huis Vergenoeg in Waverley, Pretoria. Hulle yskas en stoof het nou gelyktydig opgepak en die tannie sukkel om die swaar, nat klere uit die dubbelbalie was masjien te laai. Hulle het okkupasiereg so hulle het basies die huisie “gekoop” en dis vir hulle eie onkostes. Die tannie is in die hoë 70’s en die oom in sy 80’s. Hulle oorweeg dit nou om hulle 30 jarige motor te verkoop om hierdie onverwagte uitgawes te dek. Hulle gaan nie veel vir die motor kry nie en hy is meer werd vir hulle omdat hulle nie in iemand anders se oë wil kyk om hulle dokter of winkel toe te vat nie.
Ek sou hulle graag self wou help maar dis nie finansieel haalbaar vir my daarom wil ek weet of julle dalk kan het op enige manier moontlik. Hulle benodig of geld vir of ‘n standard yskas/vrieskas, ‘n losstaande stoof of die tannie sê sy sal op ‘n tweeplaat stoof met daai klein oondjies onder, ook regkom en dan sal sy ‘n automatiese wasmasjien waardeer.
Ek weet dis baie gevra maar dit sal hulle goue jare hier by ons soveel makliker en gemakliker maak as hulle nie verder daaroor hoef te bekommer.
Hulle is BAIE trots en voel skaam om vir hulp te vra. Ek voel maar net dat die twee mensies dit verdien. Hulle is baie eensaam en dis moeilik om positief te bly in hierdie grendeltyd. Julle kan hulle gemoed lig met so ‘n onbaatsugtige geskenk.
Ek waardeer dit dat ek my navraag aan julle kon bring. Hou asb aan met die wonderlike werk wat julle doen.
Vriendelike groete
Elmarie Strydom
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