GMA Extra: Dedicated hardworker, Sizwe Nthuli is still powering his way to becoming a teacher
Updated | By Lee-Roy Wright
Sizwe was one of the thousands of students facing exclusion, because his single mother and domestic worker, Alex cannot afford to pay his study fees. He did extremely well in his first year studies to become a teacher and qualified for government support.

BACKGROUND: Amid the start of the #FeesMustFall student movement in October 2015 for access to higher education for all students who qualify, we met Sizwe Nthuli. It was the end of his first year. Sizwe was one of the thousands of students facing exclusion, because his single mother and domestic worker, Alex cannot afford to pay his study fees. He did extremely well in his first year studies to become a teacher and qualified for government support. Only at the end of the year, he was told that he could not get NFSAS help and he had to pay-up of leave. We received an email on 16 October 2015, just before the protests started and started and also an offer from Jacaranda FM owners, Kagiso Media” to help a student from conference prize money they decided to donate a worthy cause. This was a perfect match and Sizwe’s outstanding fees were paid. He enrolled for his 2nd year, worked extremely hard and again passed with flying colours and 4 distinctions!
This morning, we catch up with Sizwe, who will soon start his 3rd year.
FEEDBACK (Dec 2016):
Goeie middag Dianne,
Julle het ‘n jaar gelede Sizwe se studie gelde vir sy eerste jaar by TUT betaal en gevra dat ek sy vordering met julle moet deel.
Aangeheg is sy uitslae na sy 2de jaar. Hy werk ongelooflik hard en doen so goed en sal julle ewig dankbaar wees dat julle hom ‘n kans in die lewe gebied het.
Goeie môre,
Ek val sommer dadelik met die deur in die huis. My huishulp, Alex Ntuli, werk al 20 jaar by my. Sy is die ma van Sizwe,’n baie knap, 22-jarige seun. Sy is ook ‘n enkel ouer - Sizwe se Pa woon in Natal en is werkloos.
Sizwe se droom is om ‘n onderwyser te word. Aan die begin van 2015, is hy toegelaat om onderwys by TUT te studeer. Sy ma se betaalstrokies , ID en polisie-verklarings moes ingedien word asook ‘n bedrag van R1500 vir registrasie. Ons het alles gedoen.
Hy het egter nou gehoor dat hy R32 000 vir sy studies moet betaal!!!! Hy het ook aansoek gedoen vir ‘n beurs, maar is meegedeel dat beurse eers van hul 2de jaar af beskikbaar is.
Sizwe werk baie hard en sy punte is baie goed. Dit sal vreeslik wees as hy sy studies moet staak en sy droom moet laat vaar omdat hy nie geld het nie. Dit sal wonderlik wees indien julle dit kan oorweeg om vir Sizwe te help om sy droom te leef!
Baie dankie
Belinda de Villiers
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