GMA Extra: After months of fundraising, 3-year-old Toane can hear again
Updated | By Lee-Roy Wright
Listeners of Good Morning Angels helped the Tucker family to raise funds for Toane’s cochlear implant last year. The family managed to raise R30 000 and our listeners added another R120 000,00. The short of it was after all the fundraising and effort, they needed just another R20 000,00 to make their dream come true, for Toane to hear again, which the GMA Fund helped with.

After months of fundraising, 3-year old Toane can hear again
BACKGROUND: Listeners of Good Morning Angels helped the Tucker family to raise funds for Toane’s cochlear implant last year. The family managed to raise R30 000 and our listeners added another R120 000,00. Then, Miss Deaf SA, Jani Erasmus - who this year was also crowned Miss Deaf World - donated a part of the implant that is going to be used for Toane. This device had to be serviced and there were some other odds and ends to be paid. The short of it was after all the fundraising and effort, they needed just another R20 000,00 to make their dream come true, for Toane to hear again, which the GMA Fund helped with. Toane lost her hearing at 18 months after meningitis and this was their battle to get an implant for one ear. Now, we catch up with Toane’s mom, Patricia, as Toane finally had her implant!
In 2015:
Liewe Good Mornnig Angles,
My kleindogter was n normale dogtertjie tot sy omtrent vyf maande terug breinvliesontsteking gehad het. Sy is op die oomblik doof in altwee haar oortjies, sy het in September 2 jaar oud geword. My seun se grootste wens is om vir sy dogter oortjies te kan gee, ongelukkig dek sy medies nie gehoor apparate nie.
Sy kan gehelp word by Steve Beko, die person wat ons op die oomblik help by Steve Beko is baie behulpsaam met omdersteuning maar ons het ‘n bedrag van R200 000. nodig voor sy weer enige geluidtjies kan hoor. Is daar nie enige angel daar buite wat bereid is om ons te help sodat sy weer ‘n normale lewe kan lui met geluidjies en klanke.
Help ons asseblief,
Susan Tucker (Toane se ouma)
April 2016:
Wil julle net laat weet my kleindogter word die einde Mei geopereer. Die dowe mej. SA het vir haar een kogliere meganisme geskenk en ons kort nog R60 000 vir die tweede een. Ons kan nie wag en dankie vir Good morning Angels.
Susan Tucker
July 2016:
Wil net graag hoor, ons kort nog R20 000-00 vir Toane dat sy solank een oortjie kan kry. Ons het n skenking ontvang van 'n dowe persoon, en ons het R150 000,00 bymekaar gemaak. Nou kort ons nog geld vir die diens van die kogliêre inplanting. Sy sou die einde Mei gegaan het vir haar operasie, maar dit is weereens uitgestel want ons kort nou nog R20 000-00. Sal baie bly wees as ons dalk weer oor Good morning angels kan kom, om te vra of daar dalk nog mense is wat ons sal kan help met die R20 000-00 sodat sy kan gaan vir haar inplanting. Dink net hoe langer ons wag hoe langer vat Toane voor sy kan hoor en enige woorde kan leer.
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