MUST WATCH: Martin Bester dances to Lianie May

MUST WATCH: Martin Bester dances to Lianie May

Which song are you embarrassed to admit you love? This song should be listened to alone and sung alone with no one around, ever...

Martin Bester dances to Lianie May
Martin Bester dances to Lianie May/Twitter

Martin Bester has a reputation for being an award-winning Breakfast show host, Master of Ceremonies, as well as a performer. He also professes to be one of the biggest rock fans around, but this video makes us believe otherwise!

READ ALSO: Martin Bester performs ‘Sterre’ at Louis Trichardt wedding

Over the weekend a video came to light where Martin Bester is seen dancing to a song we never thought he would even listen to, let alone dance to.

Which song are you embarrassed to admit you love? This song should be listened to alone and sung alone with no one around, ever. While these songs were fun for about the first month after their release, it might be a bit embarrassing after a few years.

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