Martin’s Tip Jar - Proudly supported by LottoLand

Martin’s Tip Jar - proudly supported by Lottoland

Like Martin Bester always says, ‘But wait… there’s MORE!’ 

Martin Bester's Tip Jar
Source: Jacaranda FM

There's no doubt that COVID-19 has been devastating to so many livelihoods. That’s why Jacaranda FM and have come together to bring some joy and comfort to our fellow South Africans by lending a helping hand. 

Many South Africans are unable to earn an income due to the pandemic, with those in the hospitality and entertainment industries hardest hit due to the level 4 lockdown restrictions.

Martin Bester has stressed this for months and encouraged musicians to post their music on Breakfast with Martin Bester’s social media pages.  

We’ve had a great response and we hope it will assist musicians through these tough times. 

Jacaranda FM has teamed up with LottoLand to lend a helping hand to those who cannot earn an income during lockdown.  

The assistance will help staff who work in industries such as hospitality, entertainment, performing arts, eventing, and the cleaning industry – those hardest hit by the alcohol bans and public gathering prohibitions. 


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