Dangerous fun with Cirque Infernal on Breakfast

Dangerous fun with Cirque Infernal on Breakfast

Things got extremely dangerous on Breakfast - and we loved it!

Cirque Infernal
Breakfast with Martin Bester

Joburg Theatre is proud to present Cirque Infernal, direct from Europe, on the Mandela Stage from September 6th to September 23rd 2018. 

The two performers, Rachel and Charlie, who are also a married couple, joined Breakfast with Martin Bester and did the unthinkable!

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We think it is safe to say we will simply observe and never try this at home, because it involves knives and danger of the highest order!

Performances are Thursdays and Fridays at 8pm, Saturdays at 3pm and 8pm, and Sundays at 3pm. Discounts are available for students, pensioners, and groups of ten or more – these are available by calling the theatre directly on 011 877 6853.

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There’s an age restriction of No Under 5’s.

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