Things you are embarrassed to admit you don’t know how to do

Things you are embarrassed to admit you don’t know how to do

At some point in life we missed the manual for doing something really simple.

dont know

It might be the inability to ride a bicycle, knowing how to use a coffee machine or even how to type with more than two fingers!

It may be because you never had the need to do it, but it ultimately resulted in you being embarrassed about it.

Don't worry, it has happened to the most of us.

Facebook chief Mark Zuckerberg recently had to testify to Congress amid a firestorm over the hijacking of data of millions of Facebook users by the British firm Cambridge Analytica.

He admitted: "I started Facebook, I run it, and I'm responsible for what happens here."

Born long before the digital era, some of the Senators were asking Zuckerberg questions which didn’t quite make sense.

Sen. Brian Schatz, who is over the age of 40, asked Zuckerberg if Facebook would be able to see if he "emailed" someone on WhatsApp.

Take a look at some of the bizarre questions below:

Twitter noticed some of the Senators' questions didn't make sense and didn't let it slide!

Is there something you still don’t know how to do?

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