Hot spot dumped by Oz tv

Hot spot dumped by Oz tv

Hot Spot will not be available to third umpires during the Ashes in Australia after Channel Nine chose to remove the technology.


Hot Spot will not be available to third umpires during the Ashes in Australia after Channel Nine chose to remove the technology. 


According to ESPN cricinfo, decisions will now be subject to analysis by the 'Eagle Eye' ball-tracker, audio from the stump microphones and slow-motion replays in case of a review.


Warren Brennan, Hot Spot's inventor, confirmed the development.


"It's their decision and that's what has been communicated to us. 


"As far as I'm concerned, it is final,'' Brennan told the Sydney Morning Herald. 


''We're just moving on with things. 


"Channel Nine have got a new deal with Cricket Australia, which I know has cost them a lot more money. 


"I gather there had to be some restructuring of costs.''


According to the report, it will cost around AUS$10 000 per day to install a four-camera system, which would total to approximately AUS$250 000 if it was to be used for the entire series. 


Brennan confirmed that bat coatings do affect the efficiency of the system, stating that further tests conducted confirm the phenomenon, which during Australia's Ashes tour of England, came under scrutiny.


"The point that I was trying to make was that it (bat coatings) does significantly affect us,'' he said. 


''The testing that we've done, and I haven't released that testing yet, is that when the coatings are on it does affect the Hot Spot signature."


Brennan expressed his disappointment at Cricket Australia's refusal to intervene, or to subsidise the cost of the technology. 


"I don't have a beef with Channel Nine,'' Brennan said. 


''The disappointing thing for us is that Cricket Australia didn't engage at all with us to try and come on board and help with this situation. 


"They just said, 'No, it's got nothing to do with us.


"It's Channel Nine's responsibility.' What's disappointing is we work in four countries at the moment - well, until recently. 


"Cricket Australia is the only body that doesn't contribute to our costs for the DRS components.


"New Zealand contribute directly to us, the ECB contribute and also South Africa. 


"My only beef is with Cricket Australia because we tried to engage with them several weeks ago and they refused. 


"We need to continue to invest and improve the product so that everybody thinks it's getting better. 


"If bodies like Cricket Australia won't come on board and contribute to that, there's not really any point in us continuing.'' 

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