Thousands protest outside Israel parliament against judicial reforms

Thousands protest outside Israel parliament against judicial reforms

Thousands of Israelis protested outside parliament Monday against the government's controversial judicial reform plan, which aims to give lawmakers substantially more control over the supreme court.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

The measures, which were inching towards approval through a series of preliminary votes inside the chamber, have provoked widespread criticism and charges that they would give the legislative branch nearly unchecked authority.

Outside Israel's parliament, the Knesset, thousands rallied, waving Israeli flags and placards that read "Save Israel democracy" and "The whole world is watching".

In a rare national address late Sunday focused on the reform plan, President Isaac Herzog warned that Israel was "on the verge of legal and social collapse".

Herzog, who holds a largely ceremonial role, urged Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's hardline right-wing government to pause the legislative process and hold talks with the opposition in hopes of reaching a compromise.

"I am appealing to you with a request not to introduce the bill for its first reading," Herzog said.


But the committee tasked with reviewing Justice Minister Yariv Levin's proposal was approving sections of the legislation on Monday and a first reading of the bill could be held later in the day.

Three plenum votes are required before a bill becomes law.

Netanyahu and his allies say the reforms are necessary to correct a power imbalance between elected representatives and the nation's top court.

His government wants to give the government de facto control over supreme court nominees, a role currently held by a mixed panel of politicians, judges and bar association members.

Levin's plan would also give parliament the power to override supreme court decisions through a simple majority vote.

Critics, including supreme court president Esther Hayut, have condemned the bill as an assault on the independence of Israel's judiciary.

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