SAA managers to take salary cut

SAA managers to take salary cut

Managers at South African Airways (SAA) will all have their salaries cut by 5%. 

Coins and pen costing image

he trouble national carrier made the announcement while briefing Parliament’s Standing Committee on Finance.

“Exco decided on Friday to take a 5% salary cut effective from September 2017,” says acting CEO Musa Zwane.

He says the decision was taken as part of efforts to cut costs.

The airline is in deep financial trouble, recording a R1.46 billion financial loss in the first quarter of the current financial year. 

“The salary cut is symbolic, showing we are aware that the airline is facing problems and we are responding to that as Exco,” he says.

The announcement comes on same day as a march by members of the South African Airways Cabin Crew Association (SACCA) to SAA’s offices in Kempton Park.

SACCA president Zazi Sibanyoni-Bungumbi says they are tired of the corruption at the state-owned enterprise.

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