Outa: New AARTO regulations a ‘money-making scheme’

Outa: New AARTO regulations a ‘money-making scheme’

The Organisation Undoing Tax Abuse (Outa) has reiterated its belief that the proposed Administrative Adjudication of Road Traffic Offences (Aarto) Act is a money-making scheme by government.

RTMC, Traffic, Traffic Officers
Image courtesy: RTMC

The regulations were gazetted earlier this month by Transport Minister Fikile Mbalula and are out for public comment until December 1.

Outa’s Stefanie Fick says the act will open the door for more corruption on the country’s roads.

“We studied the proposed regulations, and it is clear that this Act will change very little when it comes to road safety. It is Outa’s informed view that the intention of the legislation and the regulations are to make money and not to protect road users and it may even open the door for more corruption in the form of bribes.”

Fick is concerned that the act will not improve road safety, but will lead to even more motorists paying bribes to avoid being fined.  

“The current Administrative Adjudication of Road Traffic Offences pilot project has been partially in use in the Johannesburg and Tshwane metros for the past 10 years. Yet, instead of ensuring a drop-in road accidents and fatalities or more compliance to the law, the only result seems to be a worrying increase in lawlessness as well as mortality rates due to road accidents.”


The organisation has vowed to challenge the AARTO Act in court. 

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