Carl Niehaus files appeal against ANC expulsion

Carl Niehaus files appeal against ANC expulsion

Former Umkhonto Wesizwe Military Veteran’s Association (MKMVA) spokesperson Carl Niehaus has filed an appeal against his expulsion from the ANC.

Carl Niehaus

Niehaus was expelled by the party's national disciplinary committee on Monday for his comments on the July unrest.

In a report signed by the committee chairperson Ralph Mgijimi, the committee found him guilty on six counts of misconduct for contravening the party's constitution.

The charges relate to his comment during the July 2021 unrest, following the Constitutional Court ruling that found former president Jacob Zuma guilty of contempt of court.

Niehaus says he has instructed his legal representative to file an appeal.

"I am aware of it because it has been leaked to social media and to the media, it has not been sent to me personally, so that is very disrespectful, but I am now aware of it.

“I have instructed my attorney and fellow comrade Mathews Phosa to immediately appeal this decision, and he has already filed the appeal. We did it within 15 minutes, that means my expulsion is suspended pending the outcome of the appeal.

“For now, I continue to be a full and active member of the ANC and I will attend the conference as a delegate of my branch," says Niehaus

Niehaus's believes the decision to expel him had already been taken a while ago.

"It was always evident that the decision had already been taken that I have to be expelled, because I am not keeping quiet, because I am speaking my mind, because I am challenging evil, exploitation and corruption on a daily basis without standing back, without cowering away, I stand my ground.

“I have stood my ground alone at the national executive committee meetings of the ANC in recent days. I stood there with a very simple, but a very important message, a message that Ramaphosa must go, but instead of Ramaphosa going I have to receive on social media, this totally insulting letter that I have now been expelled by the national disciplinary committee of the ANC.”


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