Zinhle shares first week with Kairo

Zinhle shares first week with Kairo

The mother has shared how she has survived her first week as a new mother.


Awww... DJ Zinhle's baby girl is already a week old. The proud mommy has taken to her momentsbydjzinhle blog to share her experience as a mother so far. She started off by explaining the meaning of her baby's name, Kairo Owethu. 

She wrote: "Kairo is an Arabic name and is a variant of Cairo, meaning 'Victorious One'. Her father liked the name and decided to name her Kairo. My mother chose her second name Owethu. Owethu is a Zulu name meaning 'Ours'. She is ‘Our Victorious One’."

She went on to share that she could not have prepared for the force of love that hit her when she first laid eyes on her daughter. "I remember the day clearly and it’s a memory I hope I never forget. Her first cry is still well embedded in my mind. When they put her on my chest, my heart was ready to explode. I was in love, I cared, I wanted to protect her, hold her and let her know that I would do everything I could to make sure she is the happiest girl in the world." 

So beautiful. Zinhle also shared how she has survived the first week as a mother, which can be read on her blog.

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