Somizi: Doom can cure homosexuality

Somizi: Doom can cure homosexuality

Idols judge and choreographer extraordinaire, Somizi Mhlongo took to Instagram with another version of the Doom jokes that has been going around online. 

Somizi Mhlongo

In the video Somizi explains that one spray of the insecticide can cure homosexuality.

This comes in the wake of a string of memes, videos and jokes after a Limpopo pastor sprayed the insecticide in his followers' faces to get rid of demons.

ALSO READ: MUST SEE: Somizi speaks Afrikaans

The practice has been condemned, but it didn't stop South Africans from raising a smile.

"I have the greatest news for you. There is a new product that will make you straight," Somizi said in the video.

Have a look:


A video posted by Somizi (@somizi) on

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