Naked photos of Justin Bieber leaked online

Naked photos of Justin Bieber leaked online

*Not for sensitive viewers: Justin Bieber has been in the news for all the wrong reasons lately, but this takes the cake.

Justin Bieber has been in the news for all the wrong reasons lately, but this takes the cake.
Photos of the Biebs have surfaced online, in which JB is seen covering up his junk with a guitar.
According to reports the photos were taken in 2012 after Bieber serenaded his grandma in Toronto on Thanksgiving.
"Bieber finally woke up after hearing family and friends stirring around the house -- so he thought he'd prank 'em ... by grabbing his guitar and playing a naked set a la Jenny from "Forrest Gump" ('memba that?) Tmz reported.
Bieber went right up to his grandma and started belting out some impromptu lyrics ... like, "I Loooove you grandmaaaa ... how are youuuu ... helloooo grandma."
*Disclaimer: Please note that these pictures are not for sensitive viewers.
Report by MornéJK
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