White woman wears 'blackface' to perform 'Jerusalema'

White woman wears 'blackface' to perform 'Jerusalema'

Social media has been left offended by this model who was not only made to look like ‘Jerusalema’ hitmaker Nomcebo Zikode using 'blackface', but who also butchered the hit song.

Nomcebo Zikode blackface
Nomcebo Zikode blackface

Blackface - the practice of wearing make-up to imitate the appearance of a black person, is an offensive act. It is rooted in racism and the ridiculing of black people. But, sadly, one Bulgarian model thought it would be cool. 

Mixela Marinova was given the task of imitating Nomcebo Zikode for ‘Jerusalema’ in a singing competition called, ‘Kato Abe Kankm Boaa‘. 

The model wore prosthetics and make-up to look like Nomcebo.

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The model then took to the stage and butchered the international hit, ‘Jerusalema’. 

Although the audience seemed impressed and were on their feet, many social media users were outraged.

The white model faced a lot of backlash after videos of her performance and blackface were shared on social media. 

Below are some of the reactions:

READ: Companies might have to pay for the use of ‘Jerusalema’

Image courtesy of Instagram/ @Porsha4real

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