Professional organiser shares tips on how to keep your home under control

Professional organiser shares tips on how to keep your home under control

A professional organiser shared helpful tips to keep your home neat and under control. 

Disorganized home
Disorganized home / iStock

Barbara Finding is an Australian mom and a professional organiser that shares tips and tricks on how to keep your house nice and tidy. 

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Along with the tips - this mom shared how you must pick your battles.

She shared tips like how she washes highchairs in the shower. She also shared that she owns a robot vacuum cleaner. 

However, the one that had eyebrows rising was when she mentioned that she doesn’t fold her kids' clothes, she just keeps them in the drawers as they are.   

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Moms were happy to find such information online and were glad that they are not the only ones who skip the laundry folding part. 

Watch the video below: 

@findingorganisation Just sharing some hacks and habits I use to keep my home under control. Not aiming for perfection, just a little bit of calm in the mayhem. #sparkjoy #declutteringmylife #tidyingup #mariekondo #homedecor #declutteringtips #homeorganizing #minimalism #storage #organizeyourlife #tidy #organizer #home #homeorganizer #declutteryourhome #organizingtips #organize #organizedlife #simplify #homeorganization #organization #organizing #organizedhome #professionalorganizer #getorganized #organized #clutter ♬ original sound - Barbara Finding Organisation

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