Tricks to help you eat less

Tricks to help you eat less

Here is how how can stop yourself from eating too much and maintain a healthy weight. 

Woman eating too much food
Woman eating too much food /iStock

Overeating is one of the leading factors that causes people to suffer from obesity. 

People whose body weight is higher than what is considered normal or healthy for their height suffer from obesity or being overweight. The excessive weight presents a risk to their health. 

WebMd reports that overweight people are at risk of developing the following health conditions:

- Heart disease and stroke

- High blood pressure

- Diabetes

- Some cancers

- Gallbladder disease and gallstones

- Osteoarthritis

- Gout

- Breathing problems, such as sleep apnea (when a person stops breathing for short episodes during sleep) and asthma.

READ: The link between obesity and genes 

Let us look at tips to help you stop overeating: 

- Evaluate the relationship you have with food

Are you eating for the right reasons? Some people find themselves overeating because they find comfort in food. Others eat because they are in the presence of people who are eating. 

Understanding that you are meant to to gain energy and nutrients from food will help you choose the right type of food to consume and eat right. 

- Drink water before eating and in between a meal

According to Healthline, drinking water while you are eating your meal may help regulate your appetite, prevent overeating, and promote weight loss. 

Medical News Today also reports that water is a natural appetite suppressant. 

So to stop you from overeating, drink a glass of water before your meal and don't wait to finish your meal before drinking again.

Researchers have also found that sometimes people confuse thirst with hunger. So drinking water will help you know if you are really hungry or just feeling dehydrated. 

- Eat whole foods 

A lot of junk and processed foods come with added sugars and don't offer the essential nutrients you should be getting from food. 

Vegetable, fruits, nuts, seeds, and whole grain foods will help you feel fuller for longer. 

- Control stress levels 

Everyday Health states that stress hormones can also impact your metabolism and promote fat storage. Being under stress can affect your appetite. 

READ: Genes, yes, but obesity pandemic mostly down to diet: study 

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