World Stroke Day – How to lower your chances of suffering a stroke

World Stroke Day – How to lower your chances of suffering a stroke

World Stroke Day takes place on October 29th annually. We look at the symptoms, and how you can prevent a stroke. 

Stroke victim
Stroke victim/ iStock

Over 13-million people will have a stroke each year, states the World Stroke Organisation

Sadly, around 5.5-million people will die because of the health issue. 

To raise awareness about strokes, which are preventable, the World Stroke Organisation declared 29 October to be World Stroke Day.  

The theme for this year is raising awareness of the signs of stroke and the need for timely access to quality stroke treatment. 

Signs of stroke

Below are signs of stroke as highlighted by 

• Face Drooping – When one side of the face droops or is numb or the person's smile is uneven. 

• Arm Weakness – When one arm is weak or numb or drifts downward. 

• Speech Difficulty

• Numbness or weakness of face, arm, or leg, especially on one side of the body. 

• Trouble seeing in one or both eyes and coordination problems.

• Trouble walking, dizziness, loss of balance or coordination. 

• Severe headache with no known cause. 

• General weakness

• Fatigue

• Nausea 

• Vomiting

READ: How to deal with a stroke

Knowing what can put you at risk of stroke is key in knowing how to prevent stroke. 

It will help you make the right lifestyle changes to lower your chances of suffering from the disease. 

Centers for Disease Control say the following conditions can increase the risk of stroke:  

Previous stroke or Transient Ischemic Attack

High blood pressure

High Cholesterol

Heart Disease


Sickle Cell Disease

Unhealthy diet

Physical inactivity


Alcohol abuse

Tobacco use

READ: Demi Lovato reveals she had three strokes and heart attack 

NB: Immediate treatment may minimise the long-term effects of a stroke and even prevent death, reports

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Image courtesy of iStock/ @Highwaystarz-Photography

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