Travelling in 2020? Top 5 wellness tips for frequent flyers

Travelling in 2020? Top 5 wellness tips for frequent flyers

If you are planning to travel more in 2020, these tips will help make flying to your destinations a lot smoother. 

Passengers on a plane
Plane passengers / iStock

"Travel more" will no doubt make it onto many people's New Year's resolutions for 2020. 

Flying to new destinations is exciting, but travelling can take a toll on your body - especially if you fly regularly for business. 

With a renewed emphasis on health, especially after the excesses of the festive season, don't forget to take your well-being while flying into consideration. 

While adjusting your diet and upping your exercise may be things you want to implement at home, what happens during those times spent out of your daily routine, such as on any work trips away? There’s growing evidence that business travel is unhealthy, due in part to more eating out, no time to exercise, and changing time zones, which impacts the amount of good quality sleep we get. 

ALSO READ: 10 Visa-free countries to visit on your next holiday.  

If regular travel is on the cards for you in 2020, think about your wellness while travelling, and, more specifically, while flying long distance. Here are five tips on how to do just that:

1. Monitor your sitting

Obviously when you’re strapped into your seat on the plane, you have no choice but to remain seated for safety reasons. But it’s important to be aware of the negative effects of all that sitting during a flight – because there’s an ever-expanding body of scientific evidence that prolonged sitting can be harmful, according to the Mayo Clinic. They cite obesity, increased blood pressure, high blood sugar, excess body fat around the waist, and abnormal cholesterol levels as being linked to excessive sitting. With this in mind, ensure that you stand whenever possible, whether this means getting up and stretching during the flight, or using a standing desk in the airport lounges to get some work done.

2. Choose a good airline 

The new A350 aircrafts have some incredible new innovations on board, which have been designed specifically to promote wellness. New air management systems mean that cabin air is renewed every two to three minutes at the optimum temperature, providing you with 20% more fresh air, while LED ambient mood lighting simulates natural sunrise and sunset, helping reduce the effects of jetlag. Air Mauritius of course gets you to Mauritius and a whole host of other international destinations a short flight from there (including Singapore, London and more!)

3. Hydrate constantly

It’s tough to drink as much water on a long haul flight as you typically would in a normal day, especially when you can’t bring your own liquids on to the plane due to security reasons. But it’s vital that you do hydrate, as flying does the exact opposite due to the high altitude. Ask the air hostess or host for an extra bottle of water so you can have one as soon as you wake up. Also go easy on the alcohol and caffeine, as these are instant dehydrators.

4. Eat well

You’re constantly offered opportunities to eat on a flight, and we get it – it’s something to keep the boredom at bay. But think about each meal you’re eating and whether you’re actually hungry, or eating because it’s been offered to you, and it’s free. It’s okay to turn down that offer of a fizzy drink and packet of pretzels, or skip dinner if you’re simply not hungry. The same applies to meals in airport lounges, or out with clients – you can simply order a starter if you don’t feel like a huge meal.

5. Manage your mind

While physical health is important, so too is your mental health while you’re away from loved ones, which can be compounded by stressful or demanding work situations during your trip. Take time to switch off the endless stream of movies in your in-flight entertainment centre and listen to some soothing music, or practise some meditation. It’s important to get as much sleep as possible, so it’s okay to head home after a client dinner instead of staying up into the early hours with them. 

Happy flying!

ALSO READ: Jo-Ann Strauss' top tips for travelling with kids

Main image courtesy of iStock/Air Vehicle

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