Surviving the first few days at work in the new year

Surviving the first few days at work in the new year

 Here are some suggestions to get your new year off to a great start and succeed at work.

Bored woman at work

After a lengthy holiday break, many South Africans returned to work this week. 

But it goes without saying that the first few days are the hardest. 

During the holiday break, one could wake up late and just chill. Additionally, there was no need to stress about dealing with managers, coworkers, or deadlines. The body and the mind were at ease.

But, sadly, all good things come to an end. 

If you are one of those still struggling with adjusting to the fact that you are back at work, these tips will help you. 

Catch up

Day one is really about getting back on your feet. 

Depending on your type of job, one of the first things you might need to deal with is a backlog of emails. 

Set aside time for responding to them. This will ensure that you don't miss any important communication that might have been sent while you were away. 

Plan your next days ahead

Once you have checked your emails and seen what needs to be done, it is advisable that you plan your days ahead. 

Planning will help you schedule important tasks and know what needs to be prioritised. 

READ: Six ways to beat year-end fatigue in the workplace

Set boundaries 

You might also be given new tasks and responsibilities. Be realistic about when you can complete the tasks, especially taking into consideration the bulk of work you have to catch up on.

When it comes to meetings, it is advisable that you don't just agree to all meetings, especially those that might not be urgent. Meetings are time consuming, so be practical when deciding which meetings you can accept and which you need to postpone.

Alternatively, also look at asking some people to email instead of scheduling meetings for issues that can be communicated via email. 

Cut off distractions 

You might get your colleagues coming to your work station to catch up and chat about the holiday season. Even though it is good to talk to your colleagues, it can take time and affect your productivity. Rather use your lunch break for catch ups. 

Also be mindful of having your phone or social media as a distraction. 

READ: Should non-smokers get extra vacation days for not taking smoke breaks?

Avoid burn out 

Don't be hard on yourself and take on too many tasks to the point where you have to knock off late and not have time to yourself. Remember, your body needs rest in order for you to function at its best. 

READ: Are you burnt out? Read this!

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