COVID-19: Three smart ways to ensure your guests are safe around your house

Smart ways to ensure your guests are safe around your house this Christmas

This is how you can ensure you protect your guests this Christmas amid the coronavirus pandemic.

Hosting for Christmas
Hosting for Christmas/ iStock

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought with it lots of changes.

One of the things that has been affected is gatherings. If you are planning to host your family or friends this holiday season, then it is important that you thoroughly prepare.

Disinfect your house

One of the best things you can do is to make sure your home is thoroughly cleaned and you have cleaning and disinfecting products available.

This will help reduce the possibility of people becoming infected if they touch surfaces that might be contaminated and then touch their nose, mouth, or eyes, which could lead to them contracting the virus.

Also, make sure that you check the number of guests you invite versus the space they will be mingling in.

Your house must have room enough to allow guests to spread out. Remember the 2m safe distance rule which is recommended by health officials to help minimise the spread of the virus.

If you don’t have enough room, it would be a great idea to take your event outside.

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Lay the ground rules

Let your guests know beforehand that if they have any of the common symptoms of COVID-19, they should rather stay at home.

Also communicate that you will be taking temperatures and checking for fever and anyone who has symptoms will have to go home.

Offer each guest an individual plate

Although allowing guests to serve themselves might seem like a good idea, it might be safer to have one person doing the dishing and setting aside wrapped individual plates.

This will prevent having different people touching serving utensils and bowls.

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Image courtesy of iStock/ @SeventyFour

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