Jennifer Bala shares her pregnancy struggles

Jennifer Bala shares her pregnancy struggles

Loyiso and Jennifer Bala are expecting baby number three ....but the pregnancy didn't come easy. 

Jennifer Bala shares her pregnancy struggles
Jennifer Bala shares her pregnancy struggles/ Instagram

Many couples around the world struggle with infertility, a condition described as the failure to conceive after 12 months of trying.  

A recent report by the United Nations revealed that the average fertility rate in South Africa is on the decline. Other reports show that 20% of South African couples struggle with infertility.

One of the women who has shared her struggles with pregnancy is Jennifer Bala.  The wife of famous musician Loyiso Bala recently revealed that they are expecting baby number three. But, the pregnancy didn’t come easy. Bala says she was diagnosed with several health conditions that made it difficult for her to conceive. 

READ: Dealing with infertility in marriage

“Falling pregnant has never been easy for me, but that’s a story for another day. I was diagnosed with adrenal fatigue, a vitamin D3 deficiency, internal inflammation, also around my heart, extreme hormone imbalances and high cortisol levels, just weeks before I fell pregnant naturally, so it’s an absolute miracle! Moreso at my ripe young age,” she wrote on Instagram. 

Bala says she had to make lifestyle changes to help her conceive. 

“ I had embarked on a journey to balance all of those things out using natural based meds, lifestyle changes and celery juicing and voila! Before I knew it, we received our blessing amidst considerable instability and financial uncertainty during the pandemic,” she wrote. 

The 42-year-old revealed she suffered a miscarriage in 2019. She added that the new baby will be arriving around the same time the baby who died was due. 

“ This little person is due exactly a week after the little one we lost in Dec 2019, who was due a day after my birthday. This one is due a week after my birthday and given previous complications, I will have to have a c-section, which means a week before and that is the EXACT date the other baby was due. If that’s not God’s plan of restoration, then I don’t know,” she wrote

READ: Infertility causes and treatments.

Loyiso Bala has shared his excitement about the pregnancy and thanked his wife for making him a dad once again. 

" Thank you for letting me experience life with you. Thank you for giving over your body so that we can embark on yet another life-changing journey together. Thank you for helping me to become a dad once again. Soon we’ll be 5, a number that symbolises God’s grace, kindness and favour to humankind. You are an embodiment of all these characteristics. Now let’s get ready. The real fun is about to begin," he wrote on Instagram. 

READ: Loyiso Bala at the Toyota Jacaranda Pops 2012

Image courtesy of Instagram/@Loyisobala

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