Helping your child perform better at school through counselling

Helping your child perform better at school through counselling

Counselling can be used to help increase your child's chances of academic success. 

Learners in the classroom with teacher
Learners in the classroom with teacher/ iStock

Parents want their kids to succeed in life.

Every child has a right to education and should be afforded the tools that will make their learning pleasurable. 

One of the major things that parents should pay attention to is their child's mental health. 

A child who is not well mentally and emotionally might struggle to perform well in school. 

According to Suicide Prevention Resource Center, depression is associated with lower grade point averages, and that co-occurring depression and anxiety can increase this association. 

READ: Expert offers tips for parents to help their children thrive in school

Nkazimulo Zitha, the Head of School Achievement at SPARK Schools, says parents must work hand in hand with teachers to ensure children achieve academic success. 

“Mental health, career planning, examination strategies, and self-identity are issues we need to discuss with our children regularly," says Zitha. 

The Head of School Achievement adds that parents need to understand that social media plays a role in the life of many young people. 

"Life has become far more complicated and, in addition to the stress we experience as a country, the increasing prevalence of social media in our children’s lives and a huge emphasis on getting good school results."

The expert says that "children need informed and empathetic counselling".

Zitha says now more than ever, scholar support is a necessity. 

“Holistically, scholar support has become increasingly important and necessary for teachers, guardians, and parents to support their children's academic development,” says Zitha. 

The Head of School Achievement says parents can offer the counselling through asking the relevant questions and paying attention to their child's behaviour.  

Asking how your child is doing in school, paying attention to their books, and getting in touch with teachers to ask about your child's behaviour in school can help you understand how your child is doing emotionally. 

“For parents who think their children need more help than what they are able to give, there are many resources. Parents can speak to teachers directly or take their children to a professional counsellor,” she says.

“There are many professional services available for parents and their children. School counsellors can help with references or parents can speak to their personal doctor for a reference. What is vital is that parents and teachers identify these issues and act on them quickly before they become bigger problems,” Zitha says.

READ: Anxious matriculants urged to use counselling line

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