Elana shares tips on how to maintain a good relationship with your mother-in-law

Elana shares tips on how to maintain a good relationship with your mother-in-law

Elana shares her secrets to maintaining a good relationship with her mother-in-law whom she calls her best friend. 

Elana Afrika-Bredenkamp / Jacaranda FM.

While many women have difficult relationships with their mothers-in-law, Elana says she sees her in-laws as a blessing. 

October 28 was Mother-In-Law Day - a day dedicated to showing appreciation to the woman who gave birth to your spouse.

Although the day has ended, Elana says the appreciation should continue.

 “In-laws should be seen as a blessing. Really.  They raised the person who you choose.  It’s important for both men and women to show appreciation. Don’t wait for Mother-In-Law Day! Take her favourite flowers next time you visit, and lastly return all the containers she made food in for you to freeze,” says the presenter. 

Elana says it’s very important to maintain a healthy relationship with family members. 

ALSO READ: Expert tips on how to have a good relationship with your in-laws

“It's important to have a good relationship with all people who you consider family. Do you know that I literally prayed for an amazing husband and in-laws that will love our love and family?  I got exactly that. I love my mother-in-law.  We are really best friends. We cook together, chat every 2nd day and we holiday together.  I also always told myself, I will never ask my mother in law or mother to babysit unless they offer, I want them to feel loved...not used,” says Elana. 

She adds that maintaining a healthy relationship with in-laws is like maintaining a good relationship with friends or self. 

“Don’t do something to them that you won't like done to you or a close friend. Also, always check in with your partner before dictating or making rules on behalf of your entire family.  Each family comes with their own set of values and rules.”

Although you can play your part in treating your in-laws right, it's not always that they will return the love. However, this is not an excuse to stop treating them well. 

"If you don't have a good relationship, stay kind.  It's good for "self". Also, don’t expect that your in-laws would enjoy you, you are probably setting yourself up for a bad relationship with that kind of start," says the presenter. 

Do you have a good relationship with your mother-in-law? Share with us how you maintain the relationship in the comments section below. 

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