Report: SABC to introduce levy for TV and Cellphone users

SABC to introduce levy for TV and Cellphone users?

Brace yourself for a new TV levy that might be introduced soon to all South Africans - whether you watch SABC or not. 

Family watching TV
Family watching TV/ iStock

A report by Briefly states that the SABC plans to introduce a new TV levy. This will see the current TV license fee being scrapped.

According to the report, the SABC has been struggling to collect money from its users for TV licenses. It states that the SABC has millions of outstanding monies that TV license users have not paid. 

As a means to remedy the situation, the public broadcaster is proposing a new public media tax in South Africa. 

The TV levy will be charged on different devices - both television and cellphones. This is because people can access content from any device – TV, cellphones, or their laptops. 

READ: Imprisonment for not paying your TV license?

The fee will be charged whether you consume SABC content or not. 

However, the publication states that the poor and those who are retired would be exempted from paying the levy.

Image courtesy of iStock/ @monkeybusinessimages

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