Three things women will simply never understand

Three things women will simply never understand

Men are from Mars and women are from Venus, right?

Man with a tie
Man with a tie/Pixabay

Yesterday Breakfast with Martin Bester spoke about the three things men will simply never understand. It is only fair to do the other side of the spectrum, right? 

There are still things women don’t understand about men and today, once and for all, we will adress it.

READ: Three things men will simply never understand

Listener, Elna from Kempton Park, wanted to know from Martin Bester why men take so long in the shower. Very good question…

Here are some of the best bits women do not understand about men:

  1. Why do men flush the toilet with the toilet set up
  2. The louder the music, the faster men drive
  3. How men can fall asleep so quickly 

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What do you think women simply do not understand about men?

Let Martin Bester know in the comments section below.

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