Women's Month: Demi Lee Moore performs incredible version of 'Can't Help Falling In Love'

Women's Month: Demi Lee Moore performs incredible version of 'Can't Help Falling In Love'

For the month of August, we are celebrating the phenomenal women in our country. From artists, businesswomen, and everyday changemakers. 

Demi Lee Moore
Jacaranda FM

Every Thursday in August we will be looking back at some of the amazing women who visited us in the studio for interviews or live performances.

READ ALSO: Corlea Botha performs first #FridayLive of Women's Month

South African singer Demi Lee Moore needs no introduction. After she won 'Die Kontrak', she started making waves in the music industry. 

Moore visited Breakfast with Martin Bester and she shared some interesting facts about herself. "My mother named me Demi but because of my surname, I would have been South Africa’s, Demi Moore."  The singer thereafter decided to add the “Lee” to her name to make it more unique. 

Demi Lee Moore also performed 'Can't Help Falling In Love' by the legendary Elvis Presley on Friday Live


Celebrate the women in your life

We would also like to celebrate the women in your life. This woman could be your daughter, your sister, your mother, your mother-in-law, your aunt, a female colleague or a friend who has touched your life or that of your community in a special way. 

Send us an email to [email protected], telling us about the women that are doing amazing things in and around your communities.

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