Afrikaans words that can't be translated to any other language

Afrikaans words that can't be translated to any other language

There are simply some words in Afrikaans you cannot translate to any other language. 

braai Breakfast
Braai Breakfast/Pixabay

Afrikaans is so unique and adds so much colour to our lives! 

If you had to directly translate ‘springmielies’ then it would be jumping corn! However, it is popcorn!

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1. Trapsuutjie

Meaning: chameleon

2. Woefkardoes

Meaning: Doggy bag

3. Skoppelmaai

Meaning: Swing

4. Kattebak

Meaning: Boot

READ: Martin Bester releases brand new Afrikaans reggae song!

Are there any words you would like to add to the list that would almost be impossible to translate

Let Martin Bester know in the comment section below.

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