Make My Monday: All my daughter needs is a pair of shoes

Make My Monday: All my daughter needs is a pair of shoes

Rian and the Scenic Drive team received a message from Rian Myburgh from Johannesburg. It is his 14-year-old, Guetana Myburgh’s birthday this coming Sunday and all she wants is a new pair of running shoes.

Make My Monday: All my daughter needs is a pair of shoes

We received a message from Rian Myburgh from Johannesburg. His love for his daughter is endless. It is his 14-year-old, Guetana Myburgh’s birthday this coming Sunday and all she wants is a new pair of running shoes.

Rian and the Scenic Drive team decided to help Rian and his daughter Guetana. 


"My mother is an avid listener and a huge fan of Rian. She sent me a message that I must contact you to see if maybe possibly you would be able to help with my little predicament.

My 14-year-old daughter is turning 15 this Sunday. I and her mother are divorced and well I am not well off or anything, living with parents, no friends and such, kind of a recluse. At the moment 41% of my salary goes to maintenance leaving me with less than R300.00 after everything been paid and rent etc., that being the case I love my kids, but don’t see them a lot at all, like maybe once every 3-4 months, even though they are just on the other side of JHB, due to finances. My teen daughter is into sports hockey, netball and now starting cross country running.

Last night she sent me a voice note asking if daddy could get her proper running shoes for her cross country. On top of that, her hockey stick is going to need replacement next season as well since its cracking.

Could you please please help with a pair of proper running shoes for her so she can do her cross country. It breaks my heart not being able to do this for her and I am trying my best to be the best dad I can be given the circumstance. Any help would be greatly

appreciated and I would ask if I was not .... desperate. Thank you for the great show and everything you do to help people.

Riaan Myburgh"


  •  Spar Ladies Race in Pretoria has invited her and a plus-one to the Spar Ladies Race on the 3rd of August.
  • Asics – who is their partner – has gifted her with two pairs of running shoes. She will be going to the expert team for advice on which shoe is best suited for her feet.



  • Sportsman’s Warehouse heard her dad’s plea and has agreed to give her a brand new hockey stick.
  • Hockey shin pads
  • Hockey balls
  • And to celebrate her birthday this Sunday, Emperor’s Palace is giving her a movie voucher for six people as well as dinner voucher for her and six friends.

Singer, Jan Bloukaas has invited her and three friends to see him live in action at the Superhero Showcase at the Sun Arena at Time Square. That is happening on the 3rd and 4th of July. She and her friends will get to dress up as their favourite superheroes and see Jan Bloukaas – and many other artists like Early B and Majozi in action.


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